Begin your sermon with a reminder of Jesus’ words in Matthew 7 regarding wolves in sheep’s clothing. Comment on the fact that there will always be false teachers among God’s people and that God has graciously given us everything we need to recognize them so that we will not be deceived by their lies.
Briefly recap what is taught in 2 Peter 1:10. The promise that there will be false teachers and that God knows how to hold them accountable in judgment even as he delivers Christians from their destruction. Christ the good Shepherd cares for us not only by giving his life to pay for our sins and make us part of his church, but he also guards us by means of letters and instructions given by his ministers.
Heretics are arrogant and foolish, driven by lust and greed
Explain how the heretics despise authority in terms of their slandering of celestial beings.
Apply: consider how quick we are to judge other people; let us not follow in their footsteps.
Explain how the heretics behave like animals, driven by desires.
Apply: what can we do to make sure our feelings and desires do not dictate our theology?
Explain how the heretics have no shame, chasing after money and sex.
Apply: what changes can we make to protect women and children from sexual predators in our church? How can we make sure that finances are carefully controlled so that they are not abused by greedy men?
Heretics have left the way of Christ to follow the way of Balaam.
Apply: we leave the ways of Christ if we think that we can ignore God without any fear of consequence. Give some examples of
respectable sins
in your church/community—things which people do that they know to be wrong but they do not fear any judgment because everyone does it.
Heretics will be destroyed in judgment
Though Peter focuses on the heretics’ behaviour, he once again confirms that they will face God’s wrath.
Apply: heed the warning of judgment by clinging to Christ and pursuing godliness rather than indulging in sin.
Wolves in sheep's clothing are a reality. Thankfully Peter’s letter has shown us these wolves' appearance as well as their destiny. Let us be willing to make the necessary changes in our lives as individuals and as a church. Let us not believe the lie that says we can persevere in sin and it will not matter. Yes, we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, but the grace of God is not a licence to sin—it is a call to thankful obedience. We must take Peter’s word seriously. He is not playing around. He wants us to make every effort to pursue godliness. May our good Shepherd who brought us into his world help us by his Spirit to hate what is evil and seek what is good.
10 and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority.Bold and willful, they do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones,