1. Revelation 18:8 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Why will Babylon also “be burned up with fire”?

Revelation 18:8 (ESV)

8 For this reason her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her.”

The ultimate penalty imposed on a captured city was burning, especially if the city was a source of trouble to the victor (2 Kings 25:9; Amos 1:4, Amos 1:7, Amos 1:10, Amos 1:12, Amos 1:14; Amos 2:2, Amos 2:5). So, “burning” speaks to the victor’s loathing of the vanquished. As the prostitute Babylon sought to lure people away from the Lord God, his loathing of her is divinely perfect (Psalm 139:21) and so it receives destructive expression. We must not overlook either that “fire” describes the unending environment of hell (Matthew 5:22; Matthew 18:9).