1. John 21:11 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What is the meaning of the number 153?

John 21:11 (ESV)

11 So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, 153 of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn.

In short

The number 153

  1. could refer to the number of fish caught by the disciples that morning;

  2. could refer to the number of species of fish in the Sea of Galilee; or

  3. could have a purely symbolic meaning.

The simplest interpretation is that the disciples have made a memorable catch at the command of Jesus, so memorable in fact that they counted each fish, and the exact quantity is now imprinted on their minds. It would be a remarkable experience for fishermen to fish all night without catching a single fish, and at the command of Jesus, they can barely haul in the net. The disciples would likely never forget the number 153.

Some writers argue along the lines of the second interpretation, that the number of species of fish in the Sea of Galilee in the first century was 153, and so John uses the number to indicate that the gospel will gather people from all nations, tribes, and places. Unfortunately, there is no evidence to confirm that ancient biologists thought this, and in fact, one ancient author records the number of species of fish at 74. Further, it is hard to see why John would expect his audience to know the number of species of fish in the Sea of Galilee.

That leaves the third interpretation, which argues that 153 is purely symbolic. Some argue that John is using the practice of gematria to convey the phrase “children of God.” But this is a Hebrew practice, and there is evidence to suggest that John’s audience is not primarily Hebrew because he explains Hebrew phrases (John 1:38, John 1:41–42). Finally, numbers were thought to carry significant mystical and religious overtones in the 1st century. Given the religious nature of John’s Gospel, it is unlikely that John would incorporate mystical pagan symbolism. In conclusion, we believe that the strongest interpretation is the first, that the number 153 refers to the actual number of fish caught by the disciples that morning.

Interpretation 1:
When John indicates that the disciples caught 153 large fish, he is referring to the actual number of fish caught.


Some days after the resurrection the disciples decide to go fishing, and after labouring all night, they catch nothing. In the morning, Jesus is on the shore. When the disciples tell him they have caught nothing, he tells them to cast their net onto the other side of the boat, and suddenly they have so many fish they can hardly haul the net

It is a miracle of startling proportions as Jesus reveals both his power over nature and his care for the disciples’ needs. When they reach the shore, the disciples must have been astonished by the catch. Either because they normally divide the catch, or because of the abnormal volume, the disciples proceed to count each fish, and the memorable number remains imprinted on their minds. Jesus is the God of the universe who is sovereign over every fish of the sea, and motivated by his love he uses his power to care for his children.


  • D.A. Carson

  • Gordon Keddie

  • Craig Keener

  • Andreas Köstenberger

  • Francis Moloney

  • Herman Ridderbos

Small differences:

There is a minor difference within this view. Craig Keener believes that it would have been a normal course of action for fishermen to divide the catch among themselves, which implies that counting the fish was simply normal procedure.1 Ridderbos has a different historical perspective. He believes that the disciples would not normally count the fish, but the unusually high volume motivated the disciples in this case, and the quantity embeds itself in their memory.2


Possible weaknesses

Interpretation 2:
When John indicates that the disciples caught 153 large fish, he is symbolically referencing the universality of the future church.


Earlier in the Gospel, John spends several chapters recounting how Jesus prepared the disciples for his departure. Jesus explained that he was going to the Father, that the disciples were to continue loving each other and obeying Jesus’ commands, and that the Holy Spirit would be sent as a helper. Still, the disciples will face persecution and hardship. Jesus has subsequently been crucified, but as the disciples’ morale reaches their lowest point, Jesus is resurrected by God and appears to them alive. Jesus’ mission is nearly complete, and the disciples’ mission will soon commence.

Jesus' small band of disciples knew that they were to play a role in helping spread the good news of the gospel. Jesus alluded to this when he first called Simon and Andrew, labelling them fishers of men (Mark 1:17). Now, through their failed attempt at catching fish, Jesus shows the disciples how significant a role they will play and offers them a message of hope in the form of a miracle. On their own, the disciples could not make any catch, but with Jesus’ help, the fishing net now overflows with 153 different species of fish. The diverse catch illustrates that Christ's church will soon overflow with believers from every tribe and nation.


  • D.A. Carson

  • Ernst Haenchen

  • John Marsh

  • Francis Moloney

  • Jerome

Small differences:

There is one minor difference in this view, and depending on which side one falls, it might lend weight to the view’s plausibility. As we will see, Jerome asserted that there were 153 known species of fish during the first century. If this is true, the notion that the number of fish represents diversity is plausible. Carson points out that even though the number of species was not 153, the number still seems to represent a diverse quantity of believers based on the detail that the net was not broken.7


Possible weaknesses

Interpretation 3:
When John indicates that the disciples caught 153 large fish, he is using the number symbolically.


The disciples fish the Sea of Galilee without making a single catch, but when Jesus commands them to cast their net on the other side of the boat, they can hardly haul in the net. While the event is historical, it is also symbolic, and represents the fact that by Jesus’ power, the disciples will bear fruit when they preach the gospel.

No aspect of the account has been untouched by John’s symbolism. For example, knowing that Peter would play a crucial role in the formation of the early church, John explicitly points out that it was Peter who hauled the impossibly heavy net from the boat. And although the catch was enormous, the net was not torn, just as the gospel net will never break, because there is no limit to the number of converts it catches.12 Indeed John packs the narrative with symbolism, which implies that even the number of fish is symbolic.


  • Francis Moloney (who does not argue for a position, but neither does he rule out the possibility of symbolic meaning)

Small differences:

There are too many variations in this view to note. Although none of the modern scholars in this study make a strong case for the symbolic number theory, all of them allude to the fact that there are an untold number of theories. While Francis Moloney does not argue for a symbolic interpretation, he does not rule it out. Furthermore, he states that their sheer number militates against there being a solution.13 Theories range from the notion that John is using the numbers in the manner of the Jewish hermeneutical practice of gematria, to arguing that the number 17 must be significant because 153 is the triangular number of 17 (1+2+n…+17=153).14


Possible weaknesses