Song of Solomon 1:15 (ESV)

15 Behold, you are beautiful, my love; behold, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves.

When this woman shows and expresses her love like this, her husband responds with his love. He cannot let her words go unanswered. He tells her how much he loves her. He tells her that she is so very beautiful. Her beauty involves her whole person. Her eyes are beautiful like those of doves. Her eyes radiate loyalty. Even though externally she is not handsome according to the tastes of the time, she is yet very lovely to him. It is also good and necessary to tell each other that you love the other person, that you are so happy that the Lord has brought him or her into your life. This is not something that only belongs to the first period of being infatuated. Love is different later than in that first time of intense love. The love then becomes more mature. Yet that does not mean that love disappears. It may not degenerate such that we start to live alongside and apart from each other in the marriage, and that the marriage is really nothing more than two people living together at the same address and only having occasional intercourse. Expressing love is integral to marriage and growing in unity.