1. Song of Solomon 4:11 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Song of Solomon 4:11 (Summary)

Song of Solomon 4:11 (ESV)

11 Your lips drip nectar, my bride; honey and milk are under your tongue; the fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon.

When she talks to you, it is pleasing. It is as if her lips were dripping with honey for you. Not because she is always saying what you want her to say, but because in special love for you she always brings you back to the Lord even when you say, do, or want wrong things. Her words are good, because she seeks to bring you back to peace with God. You are a real encouragement to each other in the service of the Lord. Your wife is the person who encourages you to do work in God’s kingdom. How good it is to have a wife who gives herself in love for you like this and, in that way, does important work in Christ’s church and kingdom.

The husband here praises his wife who is always like a fresh fragrance in his life. Her speech stimulates him. It gives strength as honey and milk do. Her words spread right and pleasant odours. Even her clothing emanates this pleasant fragrance for her husband. From his wife he may receive rest, relaxation, and joy. He receives love and security from her in a special way because she is, as his sister and based on the love of Christ, a locked garden (see next verse, Song of Solomon 4:12).