What does the Lord expect from us now that the Spirit has come in fullness? From Acts 2:1–13 we see that there was a sense of wonder. The Jews in the streets were amazed to hear the sounds of their home languages—they did not expect it in Jerusalem and at the time they did not know that it served to confirm the coming of the Spirit. We, however, know what these languages pointed to; they confirm that we are living in the last days, the days of union with Christ—the days that Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Abraham longed to see. We might not always appreciate this but it is a great privilege to have the Spirit dwelling in our hearts to comfort us and make us share in Christ and all his benefits.1 That is the reality that you enjoy if you are a Christian believer. You have been filled with the Spirit and united to Christ. No one can confess Christ as Lord without the Spirit being at work within them (1 Corinthians 12:3). Rejoice, therefore, that the Spirit has been given to you. Rejoice in the blessings of God’s presence and the wonder of meeting with him. Rejoice in the certainty of knowing that because of Christ your sins have been forgiven and you have a place in God’s new creation.
1 When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place.