1. Zephaniah 2:7 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

In what way would God be “mindful” of the remnant?

Zephaniah 2:7 (ESV)

7 The seacoast shall become the possession of the remnant of the house of Judah, on which they shall graze, and in the houses of Ashkelon they shall lie down at evening. For the LORD their God will be mindful of them and restore their fortunes.

The literal Hebrew text is, The Lord their God will visit them, which picks up the same verb used to express God’s visit to punish Judah in Zephaniah 1:8–9, Zephaniah 1:12. God faithfully visits his people. The result and emotion of those visits depends on the people’s faithfulness to their covenant with him.1