1. Acts 3:20 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What are the times of refreshing?

Acts 3:20 (ESV)

20 that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus,

The phrase times of refreshing has no parallel elsewhere in the Bible. Important in understanding this term is realizing that Peter is not talking about the future but the present. That is to say, times of refreshing will come together with sins being blotted out.1 Given this reality, it makes sense to understand the times of refreshing as a reference to the coming of the Spirit (see Acts 2:38). Refreshing is then the lifting of the burden of sin along with the transforming power and presence of the Spirit.2 These times of refreshing are harbingers of the time of complete restoration that will come in the future (as promised in Genesis 49:10–11; Isaiah 11:1–10; Joel 3:17–21; Micah 4:1–8).3