1. Acts 5:1–11 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon goal of Acts 5:1-11

Acts 5:1–11 (ESV)

1 But a man named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property,

The book of Acts recounts the spread of the early church and the manner in which Christ works to take the gospel from Jerusalem, to Samaria, and finally to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). In your sermon you must focus on the deaths of Ananias and Sapphira and what they mean for us. Specifically you must emphasize that the Holy Spirit is present amongst God’s people, that he loves truth, and that he wants us to walk in the ways of truth. You can also explain what church discipline is and why it is important today. Finally you should encourage God’s people not to harbour secret sins in their hearts but to confess and turn from sin, trusting in Christ for forgiveness, and pursuing holiness in response.