1. Acts 6:8–15 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Acts 6:8-15

Acts 6:8–15 (ESV)

8 And Stephen, full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people.

  • Introduction

    With your introduction, you should focus on introducing Stephen. Try to help church members get a feel for the circumstances in which Stephen lived and the things he did. It will be good to explain how the synagogue typically worked and maybe to also touch on some topics that people will have questions about (e.g., the miracles which he performed). Conclude your introduction by affirming that Luke has told us about Stephen not only to honour and remember him for his faithful obedience, but also to show us what can happen to those who follow Christ.

  • Obedience to Christ is costly

    • Explain: are we promised a comfortable life as Christian believers? What did Jesus say should be our expectations? 

    • Explain: how does the life of Stephen confirm the words spoken by Jesus?

    • Explain/Apply: when do we tend to face opposition as Christians? Think of examples that you could mention which are relevant to your circumstances. Emphasize that we should not be surprised by opposition since that is what Jesus promised.

  • Obedience to Christ is possible

    • Explain: how does the example of Stephen serve to encourage us? How did God help him when he faced opposition?

    • Encourage: God has promised to help us so that we can be faithful in times of trial. His Spirit dwells in us if we are Christians, just as his Spirit was with Stephen. We can trust him to make us strong when trouble comes.

    • Encourage: prospect of opposition is not something which any of us want to hear. But remember, whatever we might face from the world around us is nothing compared to the wrath of God against our sin and Jesus has delivered us from that wrath. He remained faithful where we are weak. He paid the penalty that we deserved.   

    • Explain/Apply: we will be encouraged to suffer for Jesus only if we are convinced that he is God and that his promises are true. Let us make sure that we prioritize the means of grace so that we can regularly hear his promises (gospel preaching) and see them (sacraments), so that we might be strengthened to obey.

  • Conclusion

    The Christian life is hard; it is costly, but it is worth it because Christ is God and there is no salvation apart from him. He will help us in times of trial. He will help us in our everyday obedience. In light of his abundant grace and mercies, let us make it our aim to serve him with all our being. Let us be ready for opposition and not surprised when it comes.