Acts 6:8–15 (ESV)

8 And Stephen, full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people.

Psalm 35

In Psalm 35:1–28 God the King is opposed and treated in an unjust manner. Enemies seek his life; they plot evil against him. In response he calls on the Lord to intervene with justice, to drive his enemies free from trouble. The New Testament confirms to us that this psalm finds its ultimate fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the one who was hated without cause (John 15:25 quoting Psalm 35:7).

As we sing this psalm, we testify to the unjust suffering which he experienced and which we also experience in this fallen world. We are not the king, but we still know what it is to be mocked and considered foolish because of our commitment to Christ.