1. Leviticus 10:12 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

How does Leviticus 10:12 function within the chapter?

Leviticus 10:12 (ESV)

12 Moses spoke to Aaron and to Eleazar and Ithamar, his surviving sons: “Take the grain offering that is left of the LORD’s food offerings, and eat it unleavened beside the altar, for it is most holy.

In this section, Moses addresses Aaron’s remaining sons, Eleazar and Ithamar. In Leviticus 9:4 and Leviticus 9:17, the priests had offered a grain offering on the eighth day of their ordination. Nothing was said on that occasion as to what was to be done with the remainder of it. Now they are told that it is their portion to eat. They are to eat it at the altar.