1. Hosea 2:6–7 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What does God mean when he threatens to hedge Israel up?

Hosea 2:6–7 (ESV)

6 Therefore I will hedge up her way with thorns, and I will build a wall against her, so that she cannot find her paths.

The image is of God impeding and frustrating Israel’s attempts to secure themselves and their benefits through devotion to other gods, along with political alliances.1 By doing so, God is actually demonstrating a stern kindness toward his people, for he is sparing her further adultery and any judgment that might follow.

Consistent with Hosea 2:5, God is further discrediting the Baals. However, more positively, by frustrating Israel’s worship of them, he is demonstrating that he is the One who truly bestows life.2 This is necessary because while Israel’s devotion to the Baals is hindered, she, nevertheless, pursues them (Hosea 2:7). The obstacles are only a temporary fix to her disordered desires and spiritual adultery. This is evident in Israel’s very pragmatic decision to return to God, saying, it was better for me then than now (Hosea 2:7). Dearman3 says Israel is merely seeking to reinstate her accustomed level of prosperity. This is not yet national repentance or transformation of the heart.