The term translated rest
describes the state of calm and peace and comfort that settles upon a person. This rest
results from the sense of safety that characterizes belonging to God in Jesus Christ. Then authorities may persecute (that is the fiery trial
of 1 Peter 4:12 and the insulted
in 1 Peter 4:14), but those who share Christ’s victory are not discomfited by such trials and insults because Christ’s own Spirit calms and comforts them; after all, his Spirit rests upon you,
indwells you because you belong to him. So it could be said of Stephen that, as the crowds around him ground their teeth at him,
he was full of the Holy Spirit
and could even pray for God’s mercy on his tormentors (Acts 7:55, Acts 7:60).
14 If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.