1. Matthew 5:38–48 (ESV)
  2. Application

One God in three persons: What does Matthew 5:38-48 reveal about what God does in me and through me (Holy Spirit)?

Matthew 5:38–48 (ESV)

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’

  • God the Holy Spirit is powerfully at work in the hearts of God’s people to help them live as kingdom citizens. When I hear of what Christ has done and realize that he is the fulfillment of law, I am encouraged to obey Jesus and to aim for the perfect standard of righteousness that he reveals to me in his teaching.

  • In particular, the Spirit helps me to do good to all people irrespective of their status and what they have done to me. He helps me to pray for those that I consider to be my rivals, even those who would kill me because of my faith in Jesus Christ.