1. Matthew 5:33–37 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon goal for Matthew 5:33–37

Matthew 5:33–37 (ESV)

33 “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’

Since Jesus is teaching on the correct interpretation and application of the third commandment, your aim should be to make it clear what this commandment entails. You need to explain how God is concerned for truth, that he wants his people to promote truth, and that he must never be called as a witness to lies. Falsehoods among his people brings dishonour to God and are a means by which his name is blasphemed.

Along with explaining the requirements of the third commandment, you also need to show how this commandment was manipulated/reduced by people in the past. Encourage God’s people to pursue truth instead of lies on the basis of Christ’s work of redemption. Give clear and concrete examples of what this pursuit will look like in practice/how Christians can begin to make changes in this regard.