1. Galatians 2:1–10 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Galatians 2:1–10

Galatians 2:1–10 (ESV)

1 Then after fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus along with me.

  • Introduction

    Why does Paul talk about his second visit to Jerusalem? How does it serve as part of his larger argument? What has he already said as to why his gospel can be trusted?

  • Unity amongst the apostles

    • Explain: what were the two items on Paul’s agenda as he came to Jerusalem?

    • Explain: how did Paul treat the question of circumcision in his ministry? What was the freedom that he emphasized?

    • Explain: what were the false brothers teaching/advocating? Why?

    • Explain: what is Paul worried about? Was there unity between him and the other apostles?

    • Explain: how do the events in Jerusalem serve to show that Paul did not distort the gospel?

  • Submitting to gospel truth

    • Explain/Apply: are good works necessary for salvation? What place do good works have in the Christian life?

    • Explain/Apply: are certain apostles more important than others? How should we read and respond to the different letters that have been preserved in the Bible?

    • Explain/Apply: should we work together with other churches? When is division necessary and required?

  • Concluding prayer

    Heavenly Father, we thank you that your gospel is a message for Jew and Gentile. Thank you that the one sacrifice of Jesus Christ has put an end to all blood shedding and that baptism has now replaced circumcision as the sign of belonging to your people. Thank you also for the good news that we are made right in your sight through faith in your Son, that Jesus kept your law perfectly in our place and died the death we deserve for our sins.

    Please help us through your Spirit so that we will not think our good works are the basis of your favour, but that we will neither neglect them. We want to honour you with our obedience; we want to respond to your salvation by doing what is right. Help us to submit to all the letters and instructions you have given us in your Word, that we will not pretend that certain individuals or parts of Scripture are more authoritative than others.

    In our interactions with fellow believers and other churches, give us wisdom and love. We want to work together as much as possible; we do not like to see your church divided, but we know that division is necessary for the sake of preserving gospel truth. Do not let us prioritize an earthly peace at the expense of clarity regarding the good news of Jesus Christ.

    We ask these things in his name, Amen.