As much as we might like to avoid it, conflict is inevitable wherever you have relationships and interactions between people. At home there will be arguments between parents, fights between brothers and sisters, disputes at the office or at school. With our sinful and selfish desires, we all want things done in certain ways. We want to further and protect our interests and so we get upset when that does not happen.
With the church also being a gathering of sinful people, we cannot escape conflict. Certainly, we want to handle differences in a godly manner, speak softly and kindly with each other, give the benefit of the doubt, have long-suffering patience. Following the example of Christ, we want to consider others above ourselves. We must work hard to promote and foster peace. But still, there are times where we must speak boldly, times when peace must be disturbed, when even church leaders must be publicly rebuked to ensure that the Word of Christ remains central in all our doings.
That was the situation in Antioch. After Paul’s return from Jerusalem and after the right hand of fellowship had been given to him, the apostle to the Gentiles had to confront the apostle to the Jews. As Paul had made clear earlier in his letter, no one is free to preach a gospel different from the one Christ has given—not an angel, nor Paul, nor Peter. We are subject to God’s Word, and his gospel must not be changed.
Gospel truth above office
Explain: why would Jews want to eat separately from Gentiles? What were the old covenant purity laws? What was their primary purpose?
Explain: what has changed with the coming of Christ? How was the new reality made clear to Peter? How did Peter initially respond?
Explain: who were the men from James? What did they likely say/want? Why was Peter afraid?
Explain: how did Peter negate the gospel when he stopped eating with Gentile believers? What did his actions communicate about the work of Christ?
Explain: is there a need for new covenant believers to obey old covenant purity (ceremonial) laws?
Explain: why does Paul mention the incident with Peter? What were his Judaizer opponents saying?
Practice shaped by gospel truth
Explain/Apply: what does it mean for God’s Word to stand above church office? Does a minister have the right/authority to contradict what God has revealed in his Word?
Explain/Apply: what is the place of law in the Christian life? What are some of the laws that we are tempted to add as if they are required for salvation?
Explain/Apply: what does it mean for the church to be catholic? Are there any divisions in our church that should not be there? Do we welcome all believers?
Explain/Apply: how does fear keep us from doing what is right? Pray for God to help us fear him above man.
Concluding prayer
Heavenly Father, thank you for working a godly fear in Paul so that he had the confidence to rebuke Peter when he saw him acting in a way that pollutes the gospel. Thank you that Jesus came to put an end to old covenant civil and ceremonial laws so that there is no longer any need for us to observe the purity laws you gave in the past. Thank you that, through faith in him, we can be adopted into your family, as full members in your church—no matter our background, and be confident of life with you in glory.
Please help us by your Spirit to be a truly catholic church, a gathering where we fear you above all men. May we work hard at building relationships with fellow believers and be careful not to pollute the gospel or hinder fellowship with added works of the law.
We ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.
11 But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned.