1. 1 Samuel 22:6–23 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for 1 Samuel 22:6-23

1 Samuel 22:6–23 (ESV)

6 Now Saul heard that David was discovered, and the men who were with him. Saul was sitting at Gibeah under the tamarisk tree on the height with his spear in his hand, and all his servants were standing about him.

I           Introduction

1 Samuel 21:1-22:5 demonstrates how the LORD graciously provides for his people. In the midst of this world’s suffering and hardship – suffering that sometimes comes from our foolish decisions – the LORD nevertheless continues to care for us, like he cared for David. Even when we fail the tests of faith and turn our backs on him, he is gracious and kind, he is our loving Father. We are confident of his continuing love.

In 1 Samuel 22:6-23 we have another story that is meant to encourage our faith and confidence in God, albeit from a different angle. A focus not so much on positive provision, but rather the LORD’s sovereignty over evil. Whatever designs Satan might have, whatever the plans of modern dictators and globalist organisations, the LORD is not caught by surprised. There are no designs that he hasn’t foreseen and there is nothing that will ultimately stop the coming of his kingdom. 

II          The LORD’s sovereignty over the evil designs of men

A          Explain: What is Saul worried about? What does he think the priests have done?

B          Explain: Why does Saul command for the priests to be killed? Consider how far he has fallen from where he began. 

C          Explain: Why does the LORD allow his priests to be killed? How is it a fulfilment of prophecy made in the past?

D          Explain: How is the LORD’s sovereignty over evil seen in the death of Jesus Christ?

E          Explain: What is the good that was accomplished by Jesus’ death? What is the good that God is working to accomplish now? What is the good that will be finally accomplished when Christ returns in glory?

III         Loyal unto death

A          Apply: How should God’s sovereignty over the evil plans of men encourage us in our Christian life?

B          Apply: What kind of loyalty does God demand from us? When has he promised to give us our best life? How does the resurrection encourage obedience in risky situations?

IV      Prayer of response

Heavenly Father,

We thank you that you are sovereign and in control of all things. Indeed, not a hair can fall from our heads without your will. Thank you also that there is refuge to be found with your King, Jesus Christ. He perfectly obeyed all your commandments in our place, died the death we deserve for our evil. By nature LORD we know that we are to be counted among your enemies because of our disobedience. If it was not for the preaching of the gospel in our midst and the powerful work of your Spirit in our hearts, we would be opposed to your kingdom today even as Saul was when he ordered the death of the priests.

Please help us now to be loyal to you even if loyalty puts us in danger. May we not consider our lives too important to suffer. Strengthen us by your Spirit so that we will not avoid the costs that come with following Christ. Would you also make us increasingly confident and certain of what you have promised in your Word. There is a place in glory for all those who trust in Christ. That death is gain. Do not let us walk by sight but by faith. In this time of waiting, we know that means submitting to your commandments, help us to do so. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.