1. 1 Samuel 28:1–25 (ESV)
  2. Application

One God in three persons

1 Samuel 28:1–25 (ESV)

1 In those days the Philistines gathered their forces for war, to fight against Israel. And Achish said to David, “Understand that you and your men are to go out with me in the army.”

What does 1 Samuel 28 reveal about who God (the Father) is?

  • The LORD is sovereign. He does what he says he will do.

  • The LORD speaks. He reveals his plans ahead of time.

  • The LORD is just. He judges sinners.

  • The LORD is merciful. Saul is told about the day of his death, a final chance for him to repent of his sins and be reconciled to God before he dies. 

What does 1 Samuel 28 reveal about what God (the Son) does in my place and on my behalf?

  • Jesus Christ is the King who always listened to God the Father. There was never a moment in his life when he did not submit to the Father’s instructions. Even when he was about to face the wrath of the Father against the sins of God’s people, he still put the Father’s will before his own. As a result of his perfect obedience and his death on the cross, the sins of God’s people are forgiven and we can look forward to life in the new creation.

What does 1 Samuel 28 reveal about what God (the Holy Spirit) does in me and through me?

  • God the Holy Spirit helps me to listen to the commands and instructions of the Lord. He works in my heart and mind when God’s Word is read and explained to me. He shows me areas of my life where I need to grow in obedience. He strengthens me to obey the LORD.