1. Matthew 5:1–16 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Matthew 5:1-16

Matthew 5:1–16 (ESV)

1 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him.

I Introduction

Briefly summarize the context for the Sermon on the Mount. What has happened just before Jesus gives this sermon? What has he shown us about how we become part of the kingdom?

II Training disciples, a right perspective on blessing

  • Explain: Why should we understand the Sermon on the Mount to be training for disciples?

  • Explain: What was the old covenant expectation for blessing?

  • Explain: How is blessing different in the new covenant?

  • Explain: Why is it important for Jesus to talk about blessing from the beginning of his sermon? [Hint: What have the people just seen him do?]

III Virtues and actions for the good of society

  • Explain: Who are those that are presently blessed? What is the fruit that will be seen in their lives?

  • Explain: Briefly summarize the four different attitudes that we find in the Beatitudes list.

  • Explain: Briefly reflect on the actions that flow out of the attitudes already mentioned.

  • Explain/Apply: Why is it hard to live in light of the not yet? How do people in our world generally think about blessing?

  • Explain/Apply: What can the Christian expect will happen to him if he seeks to honour and obey God’s commandments?

  • Explain/Apply: What are the different ways in which Christians have done good to make changes in the world/the places where they live and work?