1. Matthew 7:24–29 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Matthew 7:24-29

Matthew 7:24–29 (ESV)

24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

I           Introduction

Since this is the final sermon on the final section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, it would be good to briefly review what Jesus has taught. Think back to some of the things we have learned about life in God’s kingdom.

We began with the Beatitudes, statements of blessing. Encouragement to know that we enjoy God’s favour if we belong to Christ even if we do not see prosperity and comfort in the here and now. Thereafter we had the good news that Jesus has come to fulfil the Law and the Prophets. As God’s Messiah, he will bring to completion everything that was promised. Most significantly, he will live a life of perfect obedience to God’s commands, and die a death to pay the penalty for our sin and law-breaking. Our burnt offering, our sin offering, he is our Great High Priest.

Then we had those clear instructions on various aspects of God’s moral law. We saw how anger lies at the root of murder and how lust is the seed for divorce. We were told to be careful with our words, using oaths only when absolutely necessary—also the difference between life in the new covenant as opposed to the old. Our understanding of God’s law was developed as we moved from the pharisaical reduction of the law tot externals back to God himself. Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Thoughts, words, desires, and deeds—nothing is hidden from his sight.

After Jesus deepened and sharpened the impact of the law, he re-evaluated the current religious ceremony and rule. He told us that our focus in piety must be on pleasing the Father and not on winning the praise of men. That is why we give, that is why we pray, that is why we fast. And as we do so, as we make it our aim to bring him honour, we can be full of confidence that he will care for us, he will give us what we need for life in this world, he will help us to live together as his people.

Looking back on Jesus’ sermon, we may have a favourite section, though it would be hard to choose because they are all significant and they are all well known. Throughout the world in fact this sermon has intrigued and fascinated those who are exposed to it. It has changed lives, it has changed cultures—it has rightly been met with a general sense of awe and respect.

The great danger for us is that our response to Jesus stays there—awe and respect, like the crowds on the mountain—marvelling at what Jesus has said. Commenting on his statements, measuring his opinion and ideas, writing books, producing plays—it is nice to talk and study, but that is not where Jesus wants us to go. Not amazement but obedience is the response he wants. Not reflection but commitment, practical action, and life change.

II          Foolish and wise foundations

A          Explain: Why is it foolish to build a house on sand?

B          Explain/Apply: What are some of the foolish foundations upon which people build their lives today? Give examples that are relevant to your own cultural context.

C          Explain: What does Jesus say will happen to those who build their lives on worldly foundations and refuse to submit to him as king and live in obedience to his will?

D          Explain/Apply: What does Jesus say will happen to those who submit to him as king and live in obedience to his commands?

E          Explain: Will our works contribute to our salvation at some kind of final judgment? Why not?

F          Explain/Apply: What is our obedience to Jesus evidence of?

III         Obedience not amazement

A          Explain/Apply: Why is it so easy to be amazed at what Jesus has said?

B          Explain/Apply: What will be your/our response to Jesus?

C          Explain/Apply: Consider areas of life where people typically refuse to listen to Jesus…and encourage Christian believers to submit to him in response to his grace.

D          Explain/Apply: Warn those who are backsliding to repent and return to Christ.

IV      Prayer


Thank you for sending your Son to be our Prophet, Priest, and King. Thank you that he came to teach your law to us in such a clear and understandable manner, exposing our sins and also revealing to us how we can please you. Thank you that he came to obey that same law in our place and give his life as a sin offering so that we might stand secure with our sins forgiven on the day of judgment. Thank you also that he is our King who looks after us, that he helps us by his Spirit to pursue his ways and to do so not just once, but again and again.

Father, where there are changes that need to be made in our lives, please reveal them to us and please strengthen us so that we will make those changes. We are your children, we want to be wise, we want to build our lives on the foundation that you have given. Please help us to do so.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.