1. Acts 2:14–36 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Acts 2:14-36

Acts 2:14–36 (ESV)

14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them: “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words.

  • Introduction

    It will be helpful to give a brief summary of what happened in Acts 2:1–13 in order to give some context for Peter’s sermon. Mention how Pentecost was a Jewish harvest festival and why the Spirit was given to the church on that particular date (as a firstfruit). Also comment briefly on the fact that Peter’s sermon is given in response to a question from the crowd of people that have gathered around the apostles and that this crowd is made up of Jews who would have known about, seen, or listened to Jesus.

  • Jesus is Lord and Christ

    • Explain: summarize the details of Acts 2:14-36 giving careful attention to the logic of Peter’s speech. Remember Peter wants the crowd to know that Jesus was the Messiah which is why he makes extensive use of the Old Testament Scriptures. Also comment briefly on the fact that we do not have a record of everything which Peter said on that day and that he (and the other apostles) likely spent most of the day giving more details about Jesus or speaking with people in smaller groups.

  • Correctly interpreting Old Testament Scriptures

    • Explain/Apply: Peter is adamant that the Old Testament prophecies about the coming of the Holy Spirit have now been fulfilled at Pentecost. We are now living in the days prophesied by Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah. In these days every Christian believer will be filled with the Spirit and equipped for works of service (not new revelations from God about the Christ but the work of testifying to the Christ who has come).

    • Explain/Apply: Peter is adamant that the Psalms are songs about Jesus. When we sing the Psalms we are singing of and being led by our Saviour. Psalms are Christian songs that help us to better understand God’s Word and rejoice in the salvation that Christ has accomplished. We should be singing them in our worship services (see Ephesians 5:19).

  • Focusing where the Spirit wants to focus

    • Explain/Apply: Peter’s sermon comes immediately after the Spirit has worked a miracle, but the Spirit is not the focus of his sermon, Jesus is. This shows us how the Spirit wants us to focus on Jesus. Therefore, we do not go chasing after gifts, special experiences, or dreams and visions. Instead we spend our time studying and reflecting what the Scriptures (and thus the Spirit) teach us of Jesus.

  • Conclusion

    Peter’s Pentecost sermon is of great benefit to us. He helps us to understand and apply Old Testament prophecies related to God’s Spirit. He helps us to understand and sing the Psalms. He helps us to see how the work of the Spirit ties in with the work of Jesus. Let us remember the things we have learned from Peter today so that we might not be deceived into chasing after experiences and dreams but rather give ourselves to grow in our understanding of Scripture.