1. Matthew 5:27–32 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Matthew 5:27-32

Matthew 5:27–32 (ESV)

27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’

I           Introduction

It is no secret that the topic of lust and divorce is one that can make many of us uncomfortable. Not only is sexual sin often linked with feelings of guilt and shame, there is also the constant struggle to control our thoughts and desires. In our fallen nature, purity and self-control do not come naturally to anyone. It is a fruit of the Spirit, not a work of the flesh. An area of life where we have, and continue to, fall short of the perfection that our Heavenly Father requires.

We should rejoice, therefore, as we think about this topic, that we are taught by our Good Shepherd. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King who came to fulfill the law for us, is also our Chief Prophet who teaches us how to live in the light of God’s blessing. Already as Christians we enjoy peace with God. We are confident of his favour because it is not based on our works, but the works of our Saviour. Our great High Priest, he is the one whose heart was pure from start to finish. Never an evil thought, never a sinful desire, he treated all men and women with dignity. The vulnerable were always safe in his presence and he has secured our inheritance in glory. He has paid the penalty that our sins deserve.

Knowing our Good Shepherd and what he has done, let us be ready to learn with thankful hearts. Ready to think about the good works that he has prepared for us so that we can know how to please him and where to direct our feet.

II   Adultery and lust

  • Explain: How do people typically try to limit the seventh commandment and pretend as if they are keeping it when they are not?

  • Explain/Apply: What is the general attitude towards adultery divorce that is prevalent in your society/in the church?

  • Explain: Where does adultery begin, according to Jesus?

  • Explain/Apply: Are women to blame for the lusts of men?

  • Explain/Apply: What must kingdom citizens do with their sinful desires while they wait for the return of Jesus?

  • Apply: Give some practical examples of what can be done to avoid temptation. Make sure the examples are relevant to your context and community.

III   Divorce and remarriage

  • Explain: What is the immediate context in which Jesus speaks about divorce and remarriage? Where does he give clearer teaching on this topic?

  • Explain: How does Jesus link divorce with adultery? What does he think about who is to blame for adultery when there is an unlawful divorce?

  • Explain: What is the sexual immorality that can serve as a ground for divorce?

  • Explain/Apply: What is the fundamental message Jesus seeks to convey to his first hearers regarding divorce and adultery?

  • Explain/Apply: Where has God the Holy Spirit promised to be at work in us to change our desires? What does this mean for our weekly priorities?

IV      Concluding prayer

Heavenly Father,

We praise you for the work of your Son—of all the men who have walked this earth, he is the only one who never used someone else for his own comfort and pleasure. Everyone was safe around him for his desire was only to do your will and your will is good.

Thank you for what you have taught us through your Son regarding the seventh commandment, the importance of guarding our thoughts and desires, pursuing purity in all aspects of our life and not only an outward conformity.

Help us to respond with obedience. May we become more eager to help our brothers and sisters in terms of our dress and what we say. Also show us where we have foolish patterns of living that need to change so that it will be harder for us to nurture and indulge what is lustful and wicked.

May we also recognize the sanctity of marriage—both our own and that of others. Help us to keep our vows where we have made them, not do anything to prevent friends and family from the same.

We confess, Lord, that we have all fallen short of what your law demands when it comes to sexual ethics and will continue to do so unless you change us by your Spirit. We ask, therefore, that you would make us strong to walk in the good works you have prepared, that you would transform our minds so that we see and treat our neighbour as persons and not objects, and that you would give us grace to be salt and light in a world where adultery is commonplace and purity despised.

We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.