Revelation 13:5–6 (ESV)

5 And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months.

For those who do view this kingdom with the eye of faith, they will see that indeed, the name that is written upon its forehead is blasphemy! This kingdom, beloved, will control all of the media outlets throughout the entire planet. It will control the pop culture outlets throughout the planet. And the voice of this mouth of the kingdom will be spewing forth blasphemy against Jehovah God, subtle or overt as it may be.

And there was given unto [the beast] a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies…and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

Revelation 13:5a, Revelation 13:6, KJV.

In order to tell the character of this kingdom, you have to listen to what comes out of its mouth. And what comes out of its mouth, beloved, reveals that this kingdom is in its very heart and soul against God. It opens its mouth in blasphemy against God. Its laws, its philosophies and its propaganda will be to overturn God's creational order and way. It will blaspheme the name of God – that is, the revelation of God, for all the revelation of God is God's name. It is going to mock the Scriptures and denounce them as simply fables from a bygone era, nothing to be paid attention to. It is going to mock God's tabernacle – that is, the worship of Jehovah God. It will mock the fact that Jehovah must be worshiped and it will outlaw the right worship of Jehovah God in Spirit and in truth. It will mock those that dwell in heaven – it is going to declare that there is no heaven after this life. It is going to say, That was just a way for people of past ages to help you endure their abuse of the trials of this life. It doesn't really exist. It was a figment of men’s imagination to help you get through this life in hope that something better is on the other side. What matters is right here and now and our worldwide kingdom that we are building. This is heaven, if you want to think of heaven! This is our hope – here on this earth, not a life that is to come.

This Kingdom will change times and laws

This kingdom will change times and laws, as Daniel says in Daniel 7:25. It will overthrow the laws of God in the life of society fully. It will define marriage as it wishes to define marriage and not as God's Word defines marriage. Starting with what it spews forth out of its mouth, the propaganda of this kingdom. This propaganda will eventually end in laws that contradict the law of Jehovah God. It will, for example, have TV programs where homosexuals are presented in the most sympathetic of light, so that all people will say, How could this possibly be wrong? What is wrong with those who trust in the Word of God? It is going to be subtle sometimes – the blasphemies that come out of its mouth – but it will be an absolute flood that comes from the mouth of this one world kingdom and government, taking its queue from the playbook of Goebbels and all the other powerful propagandists in the history of humanity. It will control the minds of men through its one world blasphemous culture and blasphemous voice. And it will capture the minds of men, so that the people will want it. When it makes laws, enforcing its blasphemy of God, so that the people will want it. When it enforces those laws with its political and military might, so that the people will want it. When it judges those who do not abide by its blasphemy, so that the people will want it. They won’t put up an objection – not much of one at least – when it punishes those who do not join in the blasphemy of the kingdom.1

Cory Griess