1. Matthew 7:13–14 (ESV)
  2. Application

A person’s response to Jesus has eternal significance

Matthew 7:13–14 (ESV)

13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

Living in the twenty-first century, surrounded by people from different cultures and religious traditions, it is easy to miss or turn a blind eye to what Jesus is saying: The gate is wide that leads to destruction, the gate is narrow that leads to life.

Outside of Christ there is no future with God in glory, there is only destruction. The Pharisee who claims we can win God’s favour with our works is wrong. The Muslim who holds fast to the five pillars, the Hindu who hopes in Nirvana or the all-knowing secular person who is spiritual but not religious, good but not perfect—Jesus makes it clear to all of them that there is no life apart from him. If you are not united to Christ through faith so that his death is considered your death and his righteousness imputed as your own, if he is not your King whom you serve, then your future is one of destruction, of judgment, of eternal condemnation.

These are radical words. This is a radical claim. You might even call it arrogant, to pretend that one religion is better than another, that one way is right and all others are wrong. But that is exactly what Jesus is saying. He is not presenting himself as an option, as if he is one amongst many. He is claiming to be the only way, the narrow gate that leads to life.

If Jesus were just a man, maybe we could dismiss his claims, and that is certainly the way in which many people choose to respond. He was crucified because the leaders of the day thought him to be only a man. For modern people, he is relegated to the role of a great teacher, from whom we can pick and choose the teachings we like and dismiss those we do not.

As Christians, however, we know the truth. Yes, he is a man, but he is also more than a man. He is the Son. The second Person of the Trinity, God of God and light of light. From eternity he has been at the Father’s side, and in these last days he took on flesh and came to speak to us. He brings truth from above. The Spirit who inspired men of old to speak God’s word is the Spirit of Christ and they speak the same truth.

We are right therefore to listen to Jesus and take his words seriously. We are right to acknowledge him as God’s King. We are right to submit to him and walk on the narrow way. Such is the way that leads to life, such is the way that we follow as those who belong to him, and such is the way that we hold out to others. Let us pray for our friends and family who do not submit to Christ, speak to them of the truths which he has revealed, and invite them to come and hear God’s Word proclaimed.