1. Matthew 7:24–29 (ESV)
  2. Application

Obedience rather than amazement

Matthew 7:24–29 (ESV)

24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

The fact that sheep hear the voice of Christ and listen to what he says means that we must finish our time in Jesus’ sermon with a commitment to obedience and not amazement.

Amazement is easy; it was the response of the crowd. It is a response that honours Jesus as a great prophet and teacher, a wise man who is worth some of your time. It seems like a response that is appropriate; it is the common response to Jesus today. But it is not the response of his sheep.

Sheep listen. They put into practice what Jesus has taught. They recognize him as the Lord and they know that what he says is true and good. That is where true wisdom is found. Not knowledge only, but knowledge applied.

What then will be your response to Jesus’ sermon? What will be your response to his person? Will you listen to him? Will you submit to his commands? Will you try to fit in his words around your foundations and priorities, or will you build your life on his foundation?

Thinking back on his sermon (Matthew 5:2–7:12), there will have been areas of your life that were challenged and exposed. Maybe it was his teaching on possessions—materialism creeps up on us so quietly we hardly even realise it. Perhaps it was what he said about our speech and the need to pursue truth. For all of us, it would have been something different. Whatever it was, how have you responded? Have you continued to live as before? Have you made plans for life change?

As Christians we have made a root decision, a public commitment to follow Jesus and listen to him. That is good and proper. But we must not end there. We must continue to make that decision day by day, and even many times a day. When the choice comes between sin and submission, my way and Jesus’ way, my happiness and his command, that is where the challenge lies. That is where the rubber hits the road. That is where we need to repent and follow where he leads. That is where our brother and sisters need to help and encourage us.

It is not easy to follow Jesus Christ. It is the hard road, the life of a disciple, the life of a kingdom citizen who has been united to Christ and washed in his blood, the life to which Christ calls every one of us. And so, if we are backsliding, let us repent. If we are lukewarm in our devotion, let us pursue Christ with a renewed vigour. If we know there is a change that must be made, let us go and make it, full of confidence that God will strengthen us by his Spirit to do so, full of confidence that the ways of Christ are for our good and God’s glory.