An idea for an introduction for a sermon on this chapter:
Important moments in history are typically captured in some form or another. Either we report on them (in journalism), or we recount the events as a story, or we capture their significance in poetry or song. In Judges 4 and 5, the author uses two forms—narrative and song—to tell us the story of the Lord once again rescuing his people. Judges 4:1–24 presents the facts in narrative prose, just like everything else in the book. Judges 5:1–31 gives us the victory song, almost something like a national anthem.
This was normal in biblical history. When God intervenes decisively to redeem and deliver his people, they respond with a new song (Exodus 15:1–27; 1 Samuel 2:1–36; 2 Samuel 22:1–51; the majority of the Psalms; Luke 1:1–80, twice (Mary’s Magnificat; the song of Zechariah); the new songs of the book of Revelation).
Judges 5:1–31 focuses distinctly upon the God of Israel who went before his people; it praises the Lord of hosts for his victory in battle.
Our faith sings. That’s why singing has such a prominent place in our worship. The Song of Deborah is a wonderful illustration of how we are to sing God’s praise by recounting the righteous deeds of the Lord in history, all the things he has done to save us from our sins and deliver us from our enemies.
1 Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day: