1. Joshua 16:1–17:18 (ESV)
  2. Application

Means of grace to encourage

Joshua 16:1–17:18 (ESV)

1 The allotment of the people of Joseph went from the Jordan by Jericho, east of the waters of Jericho, into the wilderness, going up from Jericho into the hill country to Bethel.

Looking at the new covenant we find that the Spirit is doing exactly the same today. He has gathered us to be part of God’s people and from our number he raises up individuals who serve as examples to us. Such an example can be the effort made by parents with young children to be present during worship, or talking with one another after the service and find out about the circumstances in which God has called us to serve. In any church fellowship we will have examples of faith that can encourage us in our obedience. That is part of the reason why God wants us to gather every Lord’s Day. These times of fellowship are used by the Spirit to strengthen our faith.

But of course it is not only in the examples we see but also the testimony we hear. The clear and faithful explanation of God’s Word—that is the chief means by which the Spirit works to empower us for good works. The preaching of God’s Word is not only a means through which we hear and discover what good works are, it is also a means of grace—a means by which the Spirit works powerfully in our hearts to strengthen faith and inspire obedience.

So if you are finding yourself discontent with your circumstances, which will happen to each one of us at some point in time, or if you are frustrated by your lack of growth in holiness, or struggling to make sense of Scripture—do not neglect the means of grace. The examples of our fellow believers and the preaching of our minister might not be very impressive or entertaining, but those are means by which the Spirit will strengthen us so that we can do good works. And we must be diligent in making use of those means because we are weak and susceptible to sin. We will struggle to do good works for the rest of our lives.