1. Revelation 14:6–13 (ESV)
  2. Application

Angels as ministering spirits

Revelation 14:6–13 (ESV)

6 Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people.

In a world with devils filled, Christians encounter so many threats to undo us as the dragon and his beasts strive to devour God’s people. In that context the Lord provides, through angelic messages, rich encouragement that his saints will certainly persevere.

We despair when we notice media platforms refusing to aid in communicating the gospel and even cancelling godly content. No effort on the part of the evil one, however, will ever be able to silence the proclamation of the gospel or erase God’s Word from this planet. No force on earth (including the dragon and his beasts) could prevent these angels from flying in mid-heaven or silence their message to peoples of any language, race or nation.

Even where there are no Bibles or no residue of the faith, God is able to send his angels to (re)introduce his eternal gospel to a nation or a tribe or a language or a people. We ought never to be surprised at finding some evidence of the gospel (even if it may need much correction and/or growth).

We tend to define reality by what our senses experience, which excludes the world of angels. Yet in today’s world still, angels remain ministering spirits whom God sends forth to aid his people (Hebrews 1:14).