1. Habakkuk 2:9–11 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Habakkuk 2:9–11 (Summary)

Habakkuk 2:9–11 (ESV)

9 “Woe to him who gets evil gain for his house, to set his nest on high, to be safe from the reach of harm!

The Second Woe

By conquering their enemies the Babylonians made themselves very wealthy. They used what they accumulated through unjust gain to build their earthly kingdom (Habakkuk 2:9). The houses they built which made up their kingdom was a stronghold to protect themselves from harm and danger (Habakkuk 2:9). Their kingdom became their nest of refuge which they considered as being a place of safety for them. From their impregnable position of security they plotted the ruin of many nations (Habakkuk 2:10). They cut them down and in doing so brought shame upon themselves which would lead to them forfeiting their lives (Habakkuk 2:10). The shame they would experience was because of their inhuman and cruel treatment of their victims. This would result in them paying the price by having their lives taken from them. The damage they did to the property and possessions of their enemies would cry out against them (Habakkuk 2:11). It is a metaphor that is used to describe the evil they had committed against their victims.