1. Habakkuk 2:12–14 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Habakkuk 2:12–14 (Summary)

Habakkuk 2:12–14 (ESV)

12 “Woe to him who builds a town with blood and founds a city on iniquity!

The Third Woe

The warring Babylonians built their cities by shedding the blood of their victims. Their towns were established upon the wickedness they displayed in the battles they fought against the nations they conquered (Habakkuk 2:12). Their actions would not go unnoticed by God because their deeds would become fuel for the fire (Habakkuk 2:13). The Lord of hosts would step in and set on fire the hard work they did through labouring to build their kingdom from plundering their victims. The safety and protection from the cities and towns of their kingdom which they depended upon would disappear and end up in ash (Habakkuk 2:13). God would reveal his surpassing glory in displaying his majesty which would rid the earth of the Babylonian evil and fill it with the knowledge of himself just as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).