1. Daniel 2:11 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Daniel 2:11 (Summary)

Daniel 2:11 (ESV)

11 The thing that the king asks is difficult, and no one can show it to the king except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh.”

Again, the Lord shows that he is above everything. The first thing the Lord does is show that the people who say they are in touch with the gods cannot in reality do anything. Nebuchadnezzar makes it clear that he will not tell them his dream. When we read the Chaldeans’ response in this verse, we see the total bankruptcy of all their occultic knowledge. The top scholars, the great specialists of the day who claim to have divine knowledge, now have to admit, The thing the king asks for is too difficult. There is no one who can make it known to the king with the exception of the gods – but they do not live with the creatures.

They now acknowledge that the gods with whom they claim to be in contact have no real interest in humans. These scholars have learned certain techniques by which they think they can explain dreams and say things about the future, but they now confess that their idols cannot give real revelation. They are forced to admit that their knowledge does not rest on a solid foundation and certainly not on their alleged connection with the divine world. In doing so, they show that their knowledge is in fact diabolical, deceptive knowledge. The gods whom they claim to serve are not gods who show love for people. On the contrary, they are in the service of the devil, and the devil wants to give people all kinds of occultic knowledge but not for the good of these people. Instead he seeks their downfall and laughs when he gets them to follow him.

The Lord is the only God who truly lives. He is the true God who makes himself known to people. He wants to dwell with his people and gives real knowledge through his Word.