Twice the text says that the midwives “feared God” and thus defied Pharaoh (Exodus 1:17, Exodus 1:21; Acts 5:29). The “fear of God” indicates a reverence for God which shows itself in obedience to him and love for the neighbor (e.g., Exodus 20:20; Leviticus 19:14, Leviticus 19:32; Leviticus 25:17, Leviticus 25:36, Leviticus 25:43; Deuteronomy 4:10). Here, the midwives demonstrate their reverence for God by refusing to murder the Israelite boys. Since they were likely the senior midwives, this means they either instructed their subordinates to ignore Pharaoh’s order or never told them in the first place.
17 But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live.