1. Song of Solomon 1:2 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Song of Solomon 1:2 (Summary)

Song of Solomon 1:2 (ESV)

2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine;

It is the wife who speaks up in Song of Solomon 1:2. She longs for a kiss from her husband. In fact, she longs for several kisses from him. She looks forward to feeling him against her, with him holding and kissing her. His kisses are the symbol of his love for her. His love for her is sweeter than wine. The Lord also gave wine to man for enjoyment. People often misuse wine. Nevertheless, the Lord has given it to gladden man’s heart (Psalm 104:15). The wife longs for her husband’s love even more than a man enjoys a glass of wine.

We should note that the wife calls her husband’s love sweeter than wine. This is not about the love and kisses she receives from her parents, family, or friends. The love between a husband and his wife is different from the love and affection you receive from other people. It also means that the love you receive from your husband or wife should be more important to you than the love from your family and friends. When it comes to love from people, God’s intention is that if you are married your focus should be primarily on the love of your husband or wife. Then we see what should be taking place according to God’s own command, Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).