1. Song of Solomon 4:8 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Song of Solomon 4:8 (Summary)

Song of Solomon 4:8 (ESV)

8 Come with me from Lebanon, my bride; come with me from Lebanon. Depart from the peak of Amana, from the peak of Senir and Hermon, from the dens of lions, from the mountains of leopards.

The husband has in mind the previous verse (Song of Solomon 4:7) when he calls on his wife to come along with him as they descend from the Lebanon, the Amana, the Senir, and the Hermon. It is now starting to get dangerous there. He also shows why he wants to leave the mountains with her. The lions’ dens and the panthers’ resting places are in the area. He wants to avoid those dangerous places. He wants to leave what threatens their life in love. He understands his task. In this regard he provides the guidance here that he is supposed to give according to God’s Word.

How can we resist the dangers that threaten a life of love in marriage? How can we, in our marriage, avoid losing the special love and interest in each other? What do you do when you realize that you are already at that point in your marriage? That is when it is so important to pay attention to the Lord Jesus—to God’s love for you! It is from him that you will retrieve your love for one another. Based on the love for the Lord and the desire to live out God's love together, it is vital to go to the Lord in prayer. Pray together in deep dependence on God to that end. Talk about the things that concern you in the deepest parts of your heart. Show that you have a warm interest in the other person, a tender love. Also, express that to your spouse. Say that you love him or her. Show that he or she is very dear and special to you. Take the time to talk together, enjoy each other also physically in all love and tenderness based on Christ’s love, and find rest with each other. Make sure that your spouse is the person with whom you share everything, and with whom you seek rest—not anyone else. He or she must remain very special in your life. Pray again and again that the Lord will give that in your life. Pray and work based on your life with your Father in heaven, even if there has been significant impoverishment in your marriage.

Those who live in deep dependence on the Spirit may know that the Lord gives his blessing. He wants love to blossom in your life. For this, Christ suffered for God’s chosen children. Life is truly good—through Christ and his love.