1. Acts 2:14–36 (ESV)
  2. Application

Singing about our Saviour in the Psalms

Acts 2:14–36 (ESV)

14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them: “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words.

Along with helping us to understand and apply Old Testament prophecies related to God’s Spirit, Peter also helps us to understand and sing the Psalms.

As strange as it might seem to us, the Psalms are songs in which we are either led by or sing about our Saviour. Admittedly we do not find the name Jesus of Nazareth expressly stated, but we are given prophetic insight into his thoughts and desires, as well as clear statements about his work. Already in the book of Acts the Psalms have featured prominently. We had quotes from Psalm 69 and 109 at the end of Acts 1:1–26 and now three more in the words from Peter. For the rest of the book there will be many more references and allusions to come.

The many references to the psalms serve to confirm that we are right to prioritize psalm-singing in God’s church. They certainly are not the easiest songs to sing, they do not have the catchiest tunes and they often speak on subjects that we would rather avoid. But they are Christian songs, and when we sing them we not only give praise to God, but we are helped to better understand his Word and rejoice in the salvation that Christ has accomplished.