1. James 1:19 (ESV)
  2. Application

Opportunities to hear

James 1:19 (ESV)

19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;

We then must be those who are quick to hear. The phrase reminds us that it is God who speaks to us through Scripture. It is the Spirit of Christ, who comes to us unmistakably and opens God's mind to us...This Book is assuring the Word of God as if he stood there with you as you were reading it and were speaking out loud. And so we are to listen for God's voice; what does he have to say? But I think in particular James is applying this to preaching; that we hear the living voice of God through a living man and we would be quick to listen. That means that we are to be eager and earnest in availing ourselves of the opportunities of God's Word in our private devotions and family worship, and particularly in its preaching. This is why we revel that we are a part of a church that has morning and evening worship. I believe that that is biblical by a clear inference from Scripture. But even if it were not biblical, it is so profitable that we hear Christ speak twice on the Lord's day. Why would you deprive yourself? Why would you deprive your family? Are you eager to listen? And when you are part of a church that has two services, are you involved; actively attending both of those services?1

Joseph A. Pipa