Reflect on the growth of the early church. From an initial group of 120 believers, all of a sudden 3,000 people joined the church after Peter’s powerful Pentecost sermon (Acts 2:31). Gradually more and more people were added so that by the time we reach Acts 6, there are at least 5,000 men—not counting women and children. So maybe in total, 8,000 or 9,000 people were now followers of Jesus Christ. And it is not just in terms of numbers that the church was growing, there was also growth in godliness and works of service. Believers were devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship. There was unity and peace among them. Like a family, they sold and shared their possessions in order to care for one another with the result that
there was not a needy person among them
(Acts 4:34). Everything was going so well. The gospel was being proclaimed, believers were serving one another, God’s church was flourishing (Acts 5:42).Though the overall picture is very positive, there had also been some challenges. Satan has been trying his best to silence the preaching of the gospel. On the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit enabled many believers to miraculously speak in foreign languages, they were ridiculed as being drunk on wine. Then preaching in the temple court, Peter and John were arrested by the temple guard. The Jewish leaders did not like all this talk of Jesus Christ and they ordered them to stop preaching, hoping they could intimidate them into silence. When that did not work, they had them thrown into prison. But an angel opened the doors and once again the apostles could be found in the temple court preaching the gospel. All of Satan’s attempts to stop the spread of God’s truth were unsuccessful. Jesus Christ might not have been physically present among his people, but he is ruling over all creation—by his Spirit he is making sure to build his church.
But now Satan tried something different, a new tactic. Instead of direct persecution he works within the church to create discord and disunity. He tempts believers to give in to their sinful natures, to the racism, pride, and selfishness that lurks in our hearts. If he can encourage gossip and infighting, then not only will he hurt the church’s witness to the world, but he will also distract the apostles from the task of preaching and teaching.
A gospel driven solution
Explain: what was the problem in Jerusalem (grumbling and administrative oversight)?
Explain: how would these problems potentially result in disunity amongst the Christians?
Explain: what is the solution proposed by the apostles? Why do they want to focus on preaching and prayer?
Explain: what is the principle that is applicable from this for the church of all times?
The essential work of deacons
Explain: deacons must make sure that needs in the church are being provided for.
Explain: deacons must protect and promote the fellowship of believers.
Explain: deacons’ task is limited; all believers, however, are called to love and care for their non-Christian neighbours.
Helping our deacons
Apply: we can help our deacons by praying for them. It is not an easy task to which they have been called. It requires hard work and self-denial, constant reflection on the needs of others and the well-being of our church family. Pray that God would grant them wisdom, strength, and energy. Pray that they would be diligent in doing their work and that they would serve tables in the same way that Christ has served us.
Apply: we can help our deacons by listening to them. If they should ask you to help with a task, please be quick to say yes. God has called every single one of us to serve him as priests in his church. He has bought us with the precious blood of Christ and washed us clean of all our sins. We belong to him and he wants us not only to be part of his church family, but to be living members of the same family. Our time, energy, and money are to be used for the good of our brothers and sisters. Just like we have to help around the house with washing up and cleaning, let us also help in our church family with practical works of service.
Apply: we can help our deacons by showing hospitality and being present for fellowship opportunities. If the deacons should organize fellowship opportunities, please do not stay away. Yes, we will not all be able to attend everything and there are times when we are sick and life is difficult. But make it your aim to be present more often than not. Even if you find it hard to speak to people, we want you to be there; we need you to be there. If we are going to be a truly catholic church where people from all cultures are welcome, then we have to spend time together. It is impossible to love people that you do not know.
Where Satan tries to stop the growth of God’s church by sowing seeds of discord and disunity, the Lord intervenes and leads the apostles to call and appoint seven deacons. Thank God that he cares for his church by providing us with office-bearers. Let us pray for our deacons, let us listen to them, and let us be quick to help them when it comes to fellowship.
1 Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint by the Hellenists arose against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution.