1. Zephaniah 3:11 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Why will the city not be put to shame?

Zephaniah 3:11 (ESV)

11 “On that day you shall not be put to shame because of the deeds by which you have rebelled against me; for then I will remove from your midst your proudly exultant ones, and you shall no longer be haughty in my holy mountain.

Jerusalem will be free of shame not because its inhabitants are guiltless; they indeed have on their record the deeds by which you have rebelled against me. Rather, the day of the Lord will include the purging of sin from the remnant of Israel, and the purging of all the proudly exultant ones. It is one thing for the shameless to profess no sense of shame; it is another to have the living God declare that no other person will be able to put them to shame.1