1. Matthew 6:19–24 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Matthew 6:19-24

Matthew 6:19–24 (ESV)

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal,

I           Introduction

If you are preaching Matthew 6:19-24 as a part of a series in Matthew 6-8, then begin by showing the connection between fasting and God’s provision. Alternatively, you can begin by affirming that we all need certain basics in this world, and that God has chosen to give them to us by means of our work. You can then expand onto the reasons for why we generally distrust God (as a result of our sinful nature), and why money has such allure for us. Having done so, you can then jump to Jesus’ words, showing how he gives us three motives to focus on God rather than multiplying our possessions.

II          The kingdom must come first

A          Explain: How does the temporal nature of money compare with heavenly treasure?

B          Explain: What are the benefits that come from kingdom living? How will our life suffer if we live as we please?

C          Explain: What does the fact that God is our master imply about money and possessions? Why can we trust him?

III         Godly disciplines for kingdom living

A          Explain/Apply: What does it mean when we pray for God to give us our daily bread?

B          Explain/Apply: How will the pursuit of simple living influence our choices about where to stay and what kind of work to pursue?

C          Explain/Apply: How will diligent use of the means of grace affect our confidence in God and change our desires?

D          Explain/Apply: What does our giving say about our hearts? How can our giving serve as a check on our love for money?

IV      Concluding prayer[1]

Heavenly Father,

Thank you that we can be confident of your love because of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you that your Son came to bear the penalty we deserve for our sin and rebellion, that he lived the perfect life you require of those made in your image. Thank you for uniting us to Christ by your Spirit, so that we might share in all his benefits, and so that we can know there is a heavenly treasure waiting for us, a reward we have not earned.

As we live in this world, help us to do so as your children. Help us to trust you with our daily bread; to work without being consumed by our work; to use our money and resources wisely and for the good of your kingdom. Open our hearts to the needs of others and keep us from the race to accumulate as much as possible.

Forgive us, Lord, where we have allowed money to dictate our actions–where we have made career or lifestyle choices that are not consistent with your kingdom. We have all sinned in this regard. Please help us to make changes where needed, please teach us to be content with less.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

[1]      This prayer is adapted from Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Days 46-52.