1. Leviticus 3:1–17 (ESV)
  2. Structure and outline

The textual outline of Leviticus 3

Leviticus 3:1–17 (ESV)

1 “If his offering is a sacrifice of peace offering, if he offers an animal from the herd, male or female, he shall offer it without blemish before the LORD.

The structure of Leviticus 3 closely resembles that of the previous two chapters. A conditional clause, starting with the word if introduces the type of offering. Different tasks are then laid out for both the worshipper and the priest. Each offering ends with the explanation that this is, a food offering with a pleasing aroma to the Lord. The chapter may be divided into the following three paragraphs:

  • Peace Offerings of Cattle (Leviticus 3:1–5)

  • Peace Offerings of Sheep (Leviticus 3:6–11)

  • Peace Offerings of Goats (Leviticus 3:12–17)