Even though your sermon focuses on Acts 2:42-47, it is recommended that you begin your Scripture reading from Acts 2:36–47 in order to provide some context.
There was much for which to be joyful and thankful after Peter’s Pentecost sermon. With lots of baptisms of men, women, and children, the church grew from around 120 to over 3,000 people. Now there are lots of new people, lots of new names to learn. Having been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, all these people received the mark of belonging, the sacrament which testifies to the washing of Christ’s blood and Spirit. As surely as water removes dirt from the body these believers have had their sins washed away through faith in Jesus Christ.
Having confirmed that the Spirit came in power just like God promised, and that he is also working powerfully to bring God’s people to faith, Luke will now go on to give us a brief picture of the habits and patterns in the early church—a vision of what God’s church ought to be.
The habits of the early church
Explain: what are the four key elements that characterized the early Christian gatherings?
Explain: are we right to see the example of the early church as an example for us to copy today? How do we distinguish between description and prescription?
Apostolic teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayers
Explain/Apply: what does it mean to be devoted to the apostles’ teaching?
Explain/Apply: what does it mean to be devoted to fellowship?
Explain/Apply: what are the breaking of bread and the prayers? Why did the prayers also take place at the temple but the breaking of bread was restricted to homes?
Part of a family
Explain: how would someone typically have come to faith/become a member of the church at the time?
Explain/Apply: what does God expect from each of us as members of his church?
Explain/Apply: what are some practical things which church members can do to encourage fellowship and help God’s church to be a family? Give specific examples that will be relevant for your circumstances.
The Lord has graciously gathered us together and made us part of his church. We belong to a new family and we must treat each other as brother and sister. In particular, we must be devoted to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayers. Let us strive to be the church that God wants us to be and pray for the Spirit to help us.
42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.