1. Joshua 22:1–34 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Joshua 22

Joshua 22:1–34 (ESV)

1 At that time Joshua summoned the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh,

  • Introduction

    Explain how Joshua 21:43–45 would have been an appropriate conclusion for the book.

    Comment on the pattern of Scripture: indicative then imperative.

  • The basic story and challenge of interpretation

    • Briefly summarize what happens in Joshua 22.

    • Explain the various interpretations and applications that can be drawn from the passage.

  • The importance of church unity

    • Explain how the passage focuses our attention on unity: mention the different terms used to describe east and west as well as the suspicious attitude of the western tribes.

    • Explain how the New Testament likewise encourages us to pursue unity: mention some of the challenges seen in the early church when it comes to believers from a Jewish and a gentile background.

  • Pursuing unity today

    • Emphasize the importance of pursuing church unity today.

    • Apply: unity must be in submission to Christ and his Word. There is no other basis for Christian unity.

    • Apply: unity involves spending time together. We cannot love one another if we do not know each other and spend time together in fellowship.

    • Encourage: remember how Christ has loved us? He has made us part of his family. He has gathered us together. He has paid for our sin. Pursuing unity is our thankful obedient response to what he has done for us.

  • Conclusion

    Let us remember that the Lord is God in Canaan and Gilead. The Lord is God in my home and yours. Christ is King in our church fellowship. Having gathered us together he wants us to be family. By the power of his Spirit let us therefore endeavour to love and accept one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, and let us make a concerted effort to strengthen our relationships with one another.